
The development of omega-message standards is a private, non-commercial initiative.


Working with the business, I saw all the inconveniences associated with the current level of communication: GSM channels are expensive and not universal, messengers are scattered, jabber is outdated, e-mail is not functional. In general, the situation is unacceptable for me, when communication of people in a social network or in a messenger depends on the whims of a commercial company.

Klut Ivan   



The very idea of ​​creating open messages arose in 2016. The idea was formed, matured, and in 2018 we began to gather a group of enthusiasts and began to develop a good solution for communication of all people of the earth. Currently, the non-profit organization Omega-message Foundation is registered.


Our organization proposes to use the universal open messaging standard. We also create open source software so that everyone can take advantage of new technologies tomorrow. In this case, no one prohibits market participants to conduct commercial activities. Earnings in the industry can be developed by developers of alternative instant messengers on omega-technologies or services for instant messengers, robots, service providers, consultants and other market players. The main thing is the observance of the freedom of communication between independent senders and recipients of messages.


We offer convenient and independent communications

for for chatting, training and effective cooperation

and protect people from the junk information.


Donate money to develop standards and open programs.

Become one of the first users of omega messages

Participate in the development of standards and software